Monday, November 8, 2010

ps,its Johor Bahru....NO OFFENCEee~oh ya,and i also forgot to tell u dat i bought a slingbag which i brought to school today...i started helping Ms Joanna Tan,my EL teacher to run errands and help Mdm Lau to shred her so called "mountain of paper"haha.....cos its really high.i helped them after reccess,till after school at 3+ lik dat...kerou and jiamin oso got help...they started earlier than me:)....err...oh ya....btw,i'm goin to korea,seoul at december 15th,i'm gonna ski excited sia....wish time could past faster.....sch almost ending soon.....will miss ppl's.....certain ppl,r too private for me to tell,......*SHY*^^hehe...LOLs??haiz....bored...chatting with my EVILTWINSISTERLIM!!!MUAHAHA!we're evil twins...kk,nothin else much to say,will be sure to post again real soon.BYess~

Friday, November 5, 2010


morning all,surprised that i woke up bout 30min ago??of course la.....came bac from malaysia's johor baruh.(ps if spell wrong)reached home at 1.55am lik dat.....sleep lik bout 2.30am ba.....waa...we eat alot crackers leh.....when we goin to malaysia,got SUPER BIG JAM sia.....spent 3.5h to get to the bro keep complaining,and fought with my sis....i bought a shoe,2jeans,and some things i needed 4 selling at malaysia,cos tomorrow(12th,sunday)i selling things at 137 market dere....mostly selling books,and soft toys,etc....btw,cindy oso selling things.......if ur free 1 help oso can lorh...i will be dere at 6.45am.....if ur havent wake up can ltr than go oso can.....OK!back to my topic on malaysia....OH!i almost forgot that my bro bought a skateboard....he says he wants to learn how to skate with me,as i hav a skateboard earlier b4 him.....erm,btw,when at night that time,i had a head lik super giddy,lik i spinning a round and a round,i was at jusco,a famous supermarket,when it happened.i keep shutting my eyes,and hen i opened them again,i suddently forget where i was.i was so freaked out,when i was in the mall,i nearly fainted cos there was not enough air,and that i was feeling very thirsthy.this is serious worhs...if neext time ur lik dat,find a place to sit,and drink a cup of warm tea.thats what my sis did to me,and i felt better afterwards.ok next topic.......erm...choosing secondary schools....erm i want to go to NGEE ANN,not because it was cool kay,i already decided to go there when i was primary 5.haiz....nothin else to say le....if ur hav any questions,or want to help me out at the stall,u can leave a note at the chatbox...kay:)?BYES:)^^

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

YO!as i promised,IM BACK AGAIN!!!!!!!!!watch a football match that was held in sch 2dae!score was 6:10.11students vs tchrs sia...obviously u know hu win rite??LOLs......bored now,waiting for a show to start.......oh,tink startin soon le........sianzz la.....haiz.....haha:)cody boy just walked past me,cos im eating CHICKEN(EMPHASIZE ON DIS WORD COS MY EVIL TWIN SISTER LIKES CHICKEN)kk....nothin else to say TV.......will be back soon:)byes 4 now!!!!